Psychology (PSYC)


In this course students will investigate the nature of community within a global, societal and local context. In the hands-on component of the course, students will actively take part in a collaborative project within the university's neighborhood. By drawing on this experience, as well as principles of social and environmental psychology, students will explore how communities define themselves and establish shared values. Prerequisite: completion of an English sequence (4 credits)


This course presents an overview of the theoretical and practical aspects of adult psychological development and aging. Topics covered are: relationships, careers, midlife, retirement and death. Prerequisite: ENGL1050 and ENGL2050 (3 credits)


These courses present topics that are not covered by existing courses and are likely to change from semester to semester. Refer to the semester schedule for the courses offered that semester. Contact the faculty assigned for more information about the course topic. Prerequisite: Completion of an English Sequence (4 credits)


An introduction to psychology, with an emphasis on the role it plays in our everyday lives. Topics include human development, the biological basis of our behavior, the nature of intelligence and consciousness, psychological disorders, and how we behave in social situations. Prerequisite: Completion of an English Sequence (4 credits)


A psychological perspective on sports, emphasizing the experience of those who have broken barriers, or who seek to. After a general introduction to the field of sports psychology, students will read case studies, autobiographical and biographical accounts, and scholarly research related to issues of gender, race/ethnicity, and disabilities. Topics will illustrate common psychological concepts, such as stereotype threat and identity formation. Prerequisite: Completion of an English Sequence (4 credits)


The systematic study of a variety of psychological disorders and troublesome problems of behavior. Attention will be given to the recognition of various symptoms and behaviors, several treatment methods, and preventive mental health measures for affected individuals and families. Prerequisite: Completion of an English Sequence (4 credits)


A pseudoscience is a false science, not supported by what is generally called “a scientific method.” The discipline of psychology has long struggled with the association with pseudoscience, yielding many rich historical and contemporary cases for analysis. This course will explore the relationship between psychology and pseudoscience, including the complex role that the media has played in confusing and promoting the two. Prerequisite: Completion of an English Sequence (4 credits)


This course introduces students to the theories, concepts, and application of leadership, while also providing students with an understanding of how leadership impacts the degree to which one is able to influence others, and the methods by which one is able to do so. The aim of the course is for students to apply the course material directly to their personal experiences, which will culminate in a personal leadership development plan, similar to those commonly used by executive coaches. The course will enable students to explore ways to incorporate the leadership and introductory psychological material discussed into their personal leadership journey. Prerequisite: Completion of an English Sequence (4 credits)


This course goes beyond an introductory course in psychology or sociology to examine the nature of social interaction in depth. The biological and cultural roots of interaction; the structure and dynamics of groups and organizations; social exchange and competence; social space and distance; evaluation of self and others; verbal and non-verbal communication; and similar topics are considered. Prerequisite: Completion of an English Sequence (4 credits)


What role does place play in the establishment of our identity? How do the spaces we create and inhabit tether us to ourselves, or perhaps something greater than ourselves? Social scientists are not only interested in the relationships we form, but also with the way our natural and designed surroundings influence our thoughts, feelings and behaviors. In this course, we will explore such topics, including how place affects our sense of wellness. (4 credits) Prerequisite: completion of an ENGL sequence


Industrial and Organizational (I-O) Psychology is a scientific discipline that focuses on human behavior in the workplace. The course will examine how I-O psychologists help institutions with hiring, managing, developing and supporting employees, while working to align employee efforts with business needs. Some intended outcomes of I-O psychology include effective management of organizational strategic goals, reduced turnover, increased productivity and improved employee engagement. Prerequisite: completion of an English sequence (4 credits)