Student Accounts

Heather Clang
Bursar/ Director, Student Accounts
Williston Hall, Room 101 
(617) 989-5043

Tuition, Fees, and Other Expenses

Application Fees

Students in Undergraduate, Masters, and Part Time Evening programs must submit a $50 fee with their application to Wentworth Institute of Technology.

Tuition Deposits

New undergraduate students entering in the fall semester must pay a $500 enrollment deposit by May 1. Deposits are non-refundable after May 1. New graduate students must pay a non-refundable tuition deposit of $250 following notification of acceptance.

Housing Down-Payments (Deposits)

New full-time Undergraduate and Masters students entering for the 2024-2025 school year who plan to live in Wentworth housing for the fall and spring semesters must make a $500 down-payment (deposit). The down-payment is non-refundable and non-transferable. For all other students, deadlines will be published by the Housing & Residential Education. New students starting in the spring who request on-campus housing must also make a $500 down-payment, which is non-refundable and non-transferable. Down-payments will not be accepted from students who owe a balance for the current or prior semester(s). Students who receive an approved coop position through Coop + Careers that is outside of the Boston area may request a down-payment refund by emailing:


At the discretion Wentworth, tuition and fees are subject to change at any time.

  • Full-time Undergraduate: Full-time tuition (annual based on two semesters) – $41,984; per credit $1,315
  • Tuition for BS Project Management and AS Applied Science in Engineering Technology per credit $595
  • Master of Architecture: per credit $1,225
  • Master of Civil Engineering: per credit $1,260
  • Master of Project Management: per credit $1,260
  • Master of Business Analytics: per credit $1,260
  • Master of Computer Engineering: per credit $1,260
  • Master of Construction Management: per credit $1,260
  • Master of Data Science: per credit $1,260
  • Master of Electrical Engineering: per credit $1,260
  • Master of Facility Management: per credit $1,260
  • Master of Technology Management: per credit $1,260
  • Master of Engineering in Civil Engineering: per credit $1,260
  • Master of Applied Computer Science: per credit $1,260
  • Certificate Programs – See Center for Continuing Education schedule for current rates

Undergraduate students who take fewer than twelve (12) credits in a semester will be charged per credit rather than the flat full-time rate. Undergraduate students who overload (take more than twenty (20) credits in a semester) will be charged at the per credit rate for each credit over twenty (20). Part-time students who are approved to take a full-time undergraduate course will pay the full-time per-credit rate for that course. Graduate students who take an undergraduate course will pay the graduate per-credit rate for that course.

Technology Fee

A Technology Fee in the amount of $300 will be charged each semester to all undergraduate students enrolled in more than one course. The Technology Fee supports digital services such as internet access, e-mail, security, help services, software, computer labs, library resources, and wireless networks.

Comprehensive Service Fee

A Comprehensive Service Fee of $150 will be charged each semester to all undergraduate students enrolled in more than one course. The Comprehensive Service Fee covers the cost of a variety of programs including orientation, graduation, the use of the fitness center, and some club events.

Living Accommodations

All housing prices are listed here:

All students with a residential housing assignment must select a full or partial residential meal plan. All first-year residential students, and those residing in Evans Way Hall, Tudbury Hall and Baker Hall, are required to purchase the Silver, Gold, or Platinum Plan. Students may request a change in their meal plan before or during the first four weeks of the semester through the meal plan change request form available at No changes to meal plans will be made after the first four weeks of the semester. 

Meal Plan Options

All Meal Plan options are listed here:

Other Expenses

Health Insurance

Massachusetts state law requires all students registered for nine or more credits, including a semester of co-op, to provide proof of health insurance coverage. To comply with this law, students who meet the criteria are assessed a charge for a student health insurance plan. If a student is already covered by an alternate plan that offers comparable coverage and would like to waive the insurance plan, the student must complete a waiver online by the deadline. Student health insurance must be purchased or waived each academic year, typically in the fall semester. Information and deadlines for completing the waiver are published by the Student Accounts Office on the E-Bill and by targeted communications to student's Wentworth email addresses. International students are required to purchase the annual student health insurance plan. International exchange students who attend for one semester must purchase the student health insurance for the semester(s) which they will attend. The standard fee for health insurance for the 2024-2025 academic year is $1,852.00.


Parking pass prices are listed here:

Parking permits are issued by the Wentworth Police Department. Wentworth considers parking a privilege, which may be revoked temporarily or permanently, for justifiable reasons by the Wentworth Policy Department.  Parking permits shall not be replicated, lent, sold or transferred to another party   Should a vehicle change occur, notify the Wentworth Police Department immediately.   Wentworth assumes no liability for lost or stolen property or damage to any vehicle while it is parked on campus in one of our facilities nor does Wentworth assume responsibility or liability for any lost property or damage associated with a vehicle being towed.  Hours, rules, and regulations are subject to change without prior notice.  A parking permit must always be displayed.  

Books, Supplies, and Equipment

Each student provides at their own expense the necessary textbooks, equipment, and instructional supplies. The cost of books and supplies is estimated at $800 to $1,500 per year. Costs will vary depending upon the curriculum and whether new or used books are purchased. Payments for books and supplies purchased at the Wentworth bookstore are made directly to the bookstore, located in the basement of the Flanagan Center, and accessible online through the MyWentworth Campus Services tab.  Students who withdraw voluntarily or who are academically withdrawn must return a Wentworth provided laptop (prior Fall 2022) or be charged the Laptop Recovery Fee to their E-Bill per the Laptop User Agreement.

Sibling Discount

Wentworth Institute of Technology is pleased to offer a tuition discount to siblings who are enrolled concurrently in full-time degree programs, as specified below. Tuition charges must be assessed to the E-Bill for the sibling discount to be applied. The sibling discount applies to tuition charges only. All siblings must be matriculated and enrolled in a Wentworth program each semester of eligibility.  The sibling discount is applied as follows:

  • 10% tuition discount per student for the first and second siblings, enrolled concurrently
  • 20% tuition discount for the third and additional siblings, enrolled concurrently 

The sibling discount does not apply to, and, if applicable, will be removed in the following situations:

  • One of the siblings withdraws, graduates or is dismissed from Wentworth

To apply for the discount, list all siblings on the Sibling Discount Form.  All areas must be complete, including the expected graduate date for each student. 

Course Materials Fee - Math & Physics

Students registered for Math 1000, Math 1020,  Math 1030, Math 1040, Math 1500, Math 1600, and Math 3800 will be charged $89.99 for Follett Materials on their EBill. Students registered for Math 1776, Math 1777, Math 1876, and Math 1877 will be charged $129.99 for Follett Materials. Students registered for Phys 1250 and Phys1750 will be charged $74.99. Students may opt out of these fees but will need to purchase the materials via another source. Students who wish to opt out should contact the bookstore.

Payment Information

Wentworth Institute of Technology partners with a third-party service provider, Flywire, to process all credit and debit card payments to student accounts. Payments can be made online through the student's E-Bill  using MasterCard, Visa, Discover, or American Express credit cards or debit cards. Flywire will assess a non-refundable a convenience fee on each transaction. Online payments are the safest and fastest way to pay student account balances by the semester's due dates.  Mailed payments should be sent at least fourteen business days prior to the semester's due date to ensure payment is credited by the due date. The Student Accounts Office does not accept credit card or debit card payments over the telephone.  Bills are presented online and can be accessed through, then select the Student Accounts tile. Tuition payments are due approximately one month prior to the start of each semester. Visit the Student Accounts Office website for published due dates. All students must pay for each semester's classes by the semester's due date

Alternative Payment Options

Monthly Payment Plan

Wentworth partners with an outside provider, Flywire, to offer semester based payment plans. A non-refundable enrollment fee of $40 is charged per semester.  Information about our payment plans, including enrollment dates, are available on the Student Accounts Office website.

International Payments

International students have the option to submit wire payments for tuition and fees through the E-Bill hosted by Flywire. Wire payments over the amount due on the student's account will be returned to the sender via Flywire. 

Delayed VA Payments

Under S2248 PL 115-407 Section 103, Wentworth Institute of Technology will not impose a late payment fee, denial of access to facilities, or other penalty against a veteran or eligible dependent due to a late payment of tuition and/or fees from the VA up to the certified benefits amount.  Any portion of the student bill not covered by VA benefits is still expected to be settled by the due date.

Returned Check

A $30 non refundable fee will be placed on the student’s account for any check returned to Wentworth by the bank. Wentworth will not accept a personal check, including web checks, if there have been two (2) or more returned checks on a student's account. Wentworth also reserves the right to refuse checks for a past-due balance, to request a transcript, or for payments made within two (2) weeks of graduation.

Late Payments and Delinquent Accounts

Failure to make payment in full, enroll in a payment plan, submit sponsor documentation and/or be covered by anticipated financial aid funds, or certified alternative loan or Parent PLUS loan funds, on or before the semester's due date (see Payment Information section) may result in a hold and a monthly $100 late payment fee.  Students who have not met their financial obligations to Wentworth will not be allowed to register for additional courses.   Students who have campus housing will not be permitted to move into their campus housing assignments, access to their grades and diplomas will be withheld from students who have overdue balances.  Wentworth reserves the right to hold diplomas from students who have balances due the University. It is a Wentworth policy that only those students who have met all the academic and financial requirements for graduation may participate in the graduation ceremony. Wentworth reserves the right to place delinquent unpaid student account balances with an outside collection agency. If an overdue obligation is referred for collection by Wentworth or to an outside agency or attorney for collection efforts and/or legal suit, the debt is increased to cover all reasonable costs of collection, including collection agency fees which may be a percentage of the balance owed at a maximum of 50% of the debt, and all collection costs and expenses, including reasonable attorney fees and court costs that Wentworth may incur in such collection efforts.   By registering for any class at Wentworth, the student accepts and agrees to be bound by the foregoing policy as applied to any preexisting or future obligation to Wentworth.  Wentworth reserves the right to report to credit bureaus those accounts placed with collection agencies

Credit Balance (Refund) Policy

Institutional and federal financial aid will be disbursed to students' accounts approximately 10 days after add/drop ends each semester if all financial aid requirements are complete. Any resulting credit balance refund will be processed and issued to students based on the payment method they select for their refund account. Estimated semester refund dates are published on the Student Accounts Office website. Typically, there will not be a credit balance until all institutional and federal aid is disbursed. Once this occurs, and if it creates a credit balance, any remaining credit will be refunded as follows:

  • If a credit balance is a result of federal Stafford loans, alternative loans, and/or grants, the refund will be issued to the student based on the payment method they select for their refund account
  • If a credit balance is the result of a Parent PLUS loan, the refund will typically be issued to the student
  • If a credit balance is a result of a monthly payment plan, the refund will be issued to the student based on the payment method they select for their refund account
  • If a credit balance is a result of a credit card payment made through the E-Bill, the refund will be issued to the student based on the payment method they select for their refund account
  • If a credit balance is a result of a credit card payment made through Slate or CashNet (Transact) and the payment was made within the past 90 days, the refund will be credited back to the credit card used for the transaction. If the credit card payment was made more than 90 days ago, the refund will be issued to the student based on the payment method they select for their refund account
  • If a credit balance is the result of an over payment, and the payment was made by web or paper check, the refund will be issued to the student based on the payment method they select for their refund account, regardless of who the payer is
  • If a credit balance is a result of payments made by or loans in the name of parents who are separated or divorced, Wentworth will refund to the student
  • Student's whose tuition charge is covered 100% by Chapter 31 veterans benefits may request any federal or state financial aid that has disbursed be refunded to them prior to Wentworth receiving payment from the VA for the semester in session

Any credit on a student's account due to federal financial aid will be refunded back to the appropriate party at the end of the academic year.

Withdrawal from Wentworth

Before withdrawing, it is highly recommended that a student seek counseling from their  faculty advisor, or Wellness, if the withdrawal is medical in nature. Students should also consult with the appropriate Financial Aid and Student Account Counselors to discuss any financial consequences of voluntary withdrawal. International students must have their withdrawal form signed by an International Student Services employee or Designated School Official (DSO).

A student who decides to withdraw from Wentworth during the semester should complete a Voluntary Withdrawal Form, located on MyWentworth, and follow the Voluntary Withdrawal procedures outlined in the catalog. Wentworth issued laptop computers (prior to Fall 2022) must be returned to the DTS Helpdesk, located on the third floor of Beatty Hall. Students who do not return the Wentworth issued laptop will be charged a Laptop Recovery Fee equal to the cost of the computer system as stipulated in the Laptop Program Student Agreement. All students are liable for tuition, room and board, and technology and laptop fees in accordance with the adjustment policy below.

Tuition Adjustments

Tuition adjustment for a withdrawing student is initiated based on the point in the semester at which the student submits the voluntary withdrawal form to the Registrar's Office. Non-attendance of classes does not constitute an official withdrawal, and no adjustments will be made based solely on lack of attendance. Students who register for classes, fail to attend those classes, and who do not notify Wentworth of their intention to withdraw from classes, are liable for all tuition and fees assessed for that semester. Tuition and fees will not be adjusted until the Registrar's Office receives a completed official withdrawal form, or when the student is reported as administratively withdrawn by a Registrar's Office staff member. Withdrawal forms received after the proration period will not initiate tuition adjustments. Tuition adjustments are made as follows:

For 15-Week Courses:

  • If withdrawal is filed by the end of the drop/add period, tuition reversal amount is 100%, minus non-refundable $500 deposit, if applicable.
  • If withdrawal is filed by the end of the second week of the semester, tuition reversal amount is 75%.
  • If withdrawal is filed by the end of the third week of the semester, tuition reversal amount is 50%.
  • If withdrawal is filed by the end of the fourth week of the semester, tuition reversal amount is 25%.
  • If withdrawal is filed by the fifth week of the semester and later, no reversal of tuition charges.

For Six- or Seven-Week Courses:

  • If withdrawal is filed by the end of the first week of the course, tuition reversal amount is 100%.
  • If withdrawal is filed by the end of the second week of the course, tuition reversal amount is 50%.
  • If withdrawal is filed by the third week of the course and later, no reversal of tuition charges.

Students who withdraw from Wentworth and receive federal student financial aid are subject to a refund policy as prescribed by Federal Regulations. Students should contact their Financial Aid and Student Account Counselors to obtain the appropriate financial aid refund schedule, as well as to discuss any remaining financial obligations. Fees are not refundable once the semester begins. Students are liable for tuition and fees in accordance with the published refund policy.

Currently Serving Military Members 

Students who are members of the United States Armed Forces who are called to active duty should review the Withdrawal for Military Connected Services policy.   A refund of tuition, fees, and applicable payments will be made according to Public Law 117-328 Veterans Affairs Update.  Any required returns to agencies such as the Department of Veterans Affairs will be made according to federal regulations.  Financial aid awards are subject to the same laws and regulations for all students, regardless of active military service, section 6.f. 

Course Materials Fee - Math & Physics

Course material fees are fully refundable ONLY during the add/drop period for each semester, during the 100% proration period. After add/drop has ended for each semester and the 100% tuition proration period has passed, course material fee(s) are non-refundable.

Study Abroad Program Fees

All deposits for Wentworth Study Abroad programs are non-refundable. Students should contact their school's Study Abroad program coordinator for further details. 

Room and Board Adjustment

A student’s room and board charges are determined by the date which the student’s room key(s) is returned to the Community Director. A student who withdraws is responsible for board charges based on actual meal points used. Board charges are pro-rated on a per day usage through the end of the semester.

Students who wish to withdraw from housing but remain enrolled in classes at Wentworth must complete a Housing Cancellation form, located on the Housing and Residential Education website. Students  must complete and sign  the Voluntary Withdrawal Form located on MyWentworth. 

No adjustments to room or board charges will be made to the account of any student who is withdrawn for disciplinary sanctions. For more information, please contact Housing and Residential Education at or (617) 989-4160.

Housing Agreement Release Fee

Students who live on campus sign a housing agreement for the duration of their housing assignment period. Students who withdraw from their housing agreement without a valid reason will be responsible for payment. Please see the refund schedule section on Wentworth Housing and Residential Education’s website ( for more information.

Refund of Payments

After all necessary adjustments have been made to a student’s account, any credits resulting from payments made will be refunded in accordance with the above-mentioned refund policy.

Federal Funds Refund

If a student withdraws from Wentworth during the semester, the total refunded amount is determined according to federal and institutional refund policy. The refund will be returned to the individual programs in the following order:

  1. Federal Unsubsidized Stafford Loan,
  2. Federal Subsidized Stafford Loan,
  3. Federal PLUS Loan,
  4. Federal Pell Grant,
  5. Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant,
  6. State funded Grants,
  7. Private funded programs, and
  8. Wentworth Institutional Aid

Specific questions regarding the refund policy can be addressed with a student’s Financial Aid or Student Account Counselor. In some cases, a student’s account may end up having a balance due after the federal financial aid adjustment is done. Students will be notified and billed for the balance and any account balance becomes due immediately.