Philosophy (PHIL)


These courses present topics that are not covered by existing courses and are likely to change from semester to semester. Refer to the semester schedule for the courses offered that semester. Contact the faculty assigned for more information about the course topic. Prerequisite: Completion of an English Sequence (4 credits)


An introductory course in the concepts and processes of philosophical and religious thought and experience. In this course students will be able to examine the classical and contemporary traditions and issues in philosophy and religion, the nature of existential reality, and the process of ethical decision-making. Prerequisite: Completion of an English Sequence (4 credits)


This course examines several ethical systems and employs a case study approach to apply these systems to the scenarios that engineers may encounter. A major focus of this course is examining possible future technological developments and their impact on humanity. Prerequisite: Completion of an English Sequence (4 credits) fall


The study of the rules and standards of right conduct in regard to the self, industry, and society. Historical perspectives and contemporary case studies are utilized. Prerequisite: Completion of an English Sequence (4 credits) fall, spring, summer


This course will explore the impact of information technology on the individual and society. It will address questions regarding freedom, privacy, justice and human flourishing in an information age. Topics including the ethics of technology design, social media, networked environments and virtual realities, gaming, robotics and artificial intelligence will shed light on the new ethical question that challenge our evolving symbiotic relationship with technology. We will conduct our study of “virtual ethics" through primary and secondary readings, including scholarly articles and literature as well as narrative films. Prerequisite: Completion of an English Sequence (4 credits)


This course explores some of the most important ethical issues surrounding biology, medicine, and biotechnology. We will explore issues such as the relationship between science and ethics, the boundaries of life and death, genetic selection and editing, and the moral status of non-human animals. Prerequisite: completion of an English sequence (4 credits)


This course explores the impact of design on human flourishing, that is, design's influence on our ability to live a "good life." We will explore how the design of the world around us ( its physical space, its artifacts, its practices and social structures) affects the kinds of people we are 9 our character) and the moral quality of our lives. We will first explore different ideas of what make for a "good life." To what degree is a good life unique to each individual ? To what degree is it the same for all human beings? Then we will analyze and critique different spaces, artifacts and practices looking closely at how their design promotes and/or hinders human flourishing. This course concludes with student teams designing and leading a class session a design topic of the teams choosing. Prerequisites: Completion of an English sequence (4 credits)


This course explores the moral dimensions of human relationships with the rest of the natural world and with our built environments. Students evaluate the grounds and effectiveness of different normative approaches to environmental questions, such as: What is meant by the term “nature”? What is the appropriate human relationship to nature? What, if anything, justifies human responsibilities to nature? What kinds of measures can and should humans take to improve the condition of the environment, including built environments? What are the morally relevant factors in grounding these measures in human-centered (anthropocentric) or nature-centered (biocentric) worldviews? (4 credits)