Graduate Degrees

Degrees Awarded

The following graduate degrees are awarded by Wentworth Institute of Technology:

  • Master of Architecture
  • Master of Science
  • Master of Engineering

Replacement Diplomas

Students or alumni in need of a replacement diploma must submit a Request for Duplicate Diploma and submit it to the Registrar at The form must be notarized, and there is a $50 replacement fee due at the time the completed form is submitted.

Time to Degree   

Students must complete all requirements for their graduate degree within seven (7) years from the time of enrollment. If a student does not meet this requirement the student may petition the  associate dean of the school for the graduate program  for reinstatement of credits completed that were outside the seven (7) year time frame. 

Programs No Longer Offered  

Any student who is enrolled in a program which is no longer offered by the University must complete all graduation requirements for that program within one year after the original expected date of graduation. Any student who fails to satisfy all requirements within the one-year period must have their academic records evaluated by the associate dean of the school  for the graduate program to determine which course of study and program must be followed. Beyond the one-year statute of limitation the University will not grant a degree for any program which has been discontinued.